Gain perspective on conflicts between two countries, as illuminated by Torah and the Rebbe's Hadracha.
We do not venture to say that we know what Torah or the Rebbe’s position is on this event or on any other event or subject. We are merely presenting various ideas that may have some bearing on what is taking place today.
Topics Included
Why Doesn't Hashem Make Peace?
What to Do When There is a War At Home
Yidden, Especially Shluchim, Can Affect the World
When Nations Are At War, Think About Moshiach
You Can Change the Political Scene!
The Solution is Saying הריני מקבל and אך צדיקים
There Are Yidden There!
Emunah and Bitachon
Hardships Should Be Abolished!
Quiet Diplomacy When Dealing With Russia
Humanitarian Aid
שר של מעלה
איסור שפיכות דמים One of the Sheva Mitzvos is
Country Defending Itself
Land Conquered by Non-Jews Through War
Should We Get Involved?
Fighting For Your Land While Not in Eretz Yisroel
The Leader Goes to War